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The Global Impact of Idaho Steel Products

Idaho Grown, Globally Known


The Kiremko Connection

Nurturing Business Relationships

Idaho Steel would not be the success it is without their strategic partners Kiremko and Reyco who combined, help our organization succeed on the world stage.

These crucial partnerships benefit our customers by providing more efficiencies, the latest technology, and a hands-on approach to the creation, installation, and maintenance of our equipment.

Idaho Steel's partnership with Kiremko officially began in September of 1996 following a business agreement with Lynn Bradshaw and Kiremko's founder, the late Peter Brouwer.

As the companies continue to work together to meet the demands of their customers, both have achieved new levels of success.

Once these like-minded companies, who produced complementary products within the potato processing industry, began to pool their resources, they essentially became a 'one-stop shop' experience for customers who need a wide range of products and full process lines.

Over One Century of Excellence

As an internationally recognized expert in stainless steel fabrication and machining of food processing equipment, Idaho Steel serves customers around the world with its state-of-the-art machines including the largest drum dryers ever created. We credit our success to the talented people on our diverse team of professionals including engineers, machinists, and welders.